Source: directives/invenioSearchPagination.js

 * This file is part of Invenio.
 * Copyright (C) 2017 CERN.
 * Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
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  * @ngdoc directive
  * @name invenioSearchPagination
  * @description
  *   The pagination directive for search
  * @namespace invenioSearchPagination
  * @example
  *    Usage:
  *    <invenio-search-pagination
  *     show-go-to-first-last='true'
  *     adjacent-size='4'
  *     template='TEMPLATE_PATH'>
  *        ... Any children directives
  *    </invenio-search-pagination>
function invenioSearchPagination() {
  // Functions

    * Handle pagination
    * @memberof invenioSearchPagination
    * @param {service} scope -  The scope of this element.
    * @param {service} element - Element that this direcive is assigned to.
    * @param {service} attrs - Attribute of this element.
    * @param {invenioSearchController} vm - Invenio search controller.
  function link(scope, element, attrs, vm) {
      // Watch when `invenioSearchArgs` changes and fire a new search
    scope.paginatePages = [];
    scope.adjacentSize = attrs.adjacentSize || 4;
    scope.showGoToFirstLast = attrs.showGoToFirstLast || false;

    scope.$watch('', function(current, next) {
      if (current !== next) {

    scope.$watch('vm.invenioSearchResults', function(current, next) {

      * Add range number for magination
      * @memberof link
      * @param {int} start - The start of the range.
      * @param {int} finish - The end of the range.
    function addRange(start, finish) {
      // Create the Add Item Function
      var _current = current();

      var buildItem = function (i) {
        return {
          value: i,
          title: 'Go to page ' + i,

      // Add our items where i is the page number
      for (var i = start; i <= finish; i++) {
        var item = buildItem(i);

      * Calculate the numbers
      * @memberof link
    function buildPages() {
      // Reset pages
      scope.paginatePages = [];
      // How many neighbours to show before and after the current page
      var adjacent = scope.adjacentSize;
      // Get total pages based on the results shown by page
      var pageCount = total();
      // Get the current page
      var _current = current();
      // Display the adjacent a1 a2 a3 + current + a5 a6 a7
      var adjacentSize = (2 * adjacent);

      // Pages to show in the pagination
      var start, finish;
      // Simply display all the pages
      if (pageCount <= (adjacentSize + 2)) {
        start = 1;
        addRange(start, pageCount);
      } else {
        if (_current - adjacent <= 2) {
          start = 1;
          finish = 1 + adjacentSize;
          addRange(start, finish);
        } else if (_current < pageCount - (adjacent + 2)) {
          start = _current - adjacent;
          finish = _current + adjacent;
          addRange(start, finish);
        } else {
          start = pageCount - adjacentSize;
          finish = pageCount;
          addRange(start, finish);

      * Calculate the total pages
      * @memberof link
    function total() {
      var _total;
      try {
        _total =;
      } catch (error) {
        _total = 0;
      return Math.ceil(_total/vm.invenioSearchArgs.size);

      * Calculate the current page
      * @memberof link
    function current() {
      return parseInt( || 1;

      * Calculate the next page
      * @memberof link
    function next() {
      var _next = current();
      var _total = total();
      if (_next < _total) {
        _next = _next + 1;
      return _next;

      * Calculate the previous page
      * @memberof link
    function previous() {
      var _previous = current();
      var _total = total();
      if (_previous > 1) {
        _previous = _previous - 1;
      return _previous;

      * Calculate page class if it is active or not
      * @memberof link
      * @param {int} index - A given page of the array.
    function getPageClass(index) {
      return index === current() ? 'active' : '';

      * Calculate the next arrow if it is active or not
      * @memberof link
    function getNextClass() {
      return current() < total() ? '' : 'disabled';

      * Calculate the previous arrow if it is active or not
      * @memberof link
    function getPrevClass() {
      return current() > 1 ? '' : 'disabled';

      * Calculate the go to first if it is active or not
      * @memberof link
    function getFirstClass() {
      return current() !== 1 ? '' : 'disabled';

      * Calculate the go to last if it is active or not
      * @memberof link
    function getLastClass() {
      return current() !== total() ? '' : 'disabled';

      * Change page to the given index
      * @memberof link
      * @param {int} index - A given page of the array.
    function changePage(index) {
      if (index > total()) { = total();
      } else if ( index < 1) { = 1;
      } else { = index;

    // Pages calculator
    scope.paginationHelper = {
      changePage: changePage,
      current: current,
      getFirstClass: getFirstClass,
      getLastClass: getLastClass,
      getNextClass: getNextClass,
      getPageClass: getPageClass,
      getPrevClass: getPrevClass,
      next: next,
      pages: buildPages,
      previous: previous,
      total: total,

    * Choose template for pagination
    * @memberof invenioSearchPagination
    * @param {service} element - Element that this direcive is assigned to.
    * @param {service} attrs - Attribute of this element.
    * @example
    *    Minimal template `template.html` usage
    *      <ul class="pagination" ng-if="">
    *        <li ng-class="paginationHelper.getPageClass(page.value)"
    *            ng-repeat="page in paginatePages">
    *          <a href="#" ng-click="paginationHelper.changePage(page.value)"
    *             alt="{{ page.title }}">{{ page.value }}</a>
    *        </li>
    *      </ul>
  function templateUrl(element, attrs) {
    return attrs.template;


  return {
    restrict: 'AE',
    scope: false,
    require: '^invenioSearch',
    templateUrl: templateUrl,
    link: link,


  .directive('invenioSearchPagination', invenioSearchPagination);